Encouraging positive community wellbeing and resilience

For Psychiatric Emergencies call 0800 920 092.
Community and Public Health provides population health services and information. We are unable to work with individuals regarding their health issues.

Everyone has mental health and within this, everyone is susceptible to mental distress  and or mental illness at times.

Distress, disorder or illness should be seen as subsets of a person’s capacity for mental health and it is important not to define those of us with lived experience of mental illness by our diagnosis.

The greater your mental health, the greater your resilience, and the greater your:

  • ability to cope or to adapt and recover from adversity such as illness or distress; and
  • capacity to experience and enjoy a fulfilled, meaningful and satisfying life.

There are things we can do to grow our wellbeing, and that of those around us – regardless of whether or not we have lived experience of mental distress or illness.

Five Ways to Wellbeing: Connect, Keep learning, Take notice, Give and Be Active.

Community and Public Health seeks to:

We work together to increase our communities’ mental resilience and reduce their risks of mental illness.

World First All Right? Campaign

Who always brightens your day? Our neighbours (MNH0262E).All Right? was designed to help us think about our mental health and wellbeing. The campaign was about helping people realise that they were not alone, encouraging them to connect with others, and supporting them to boost their wellbeing.

Ultimately, All Right? was about starting and resourcing a community conversation about wellbeing.

All Right? was originally a Healthy Christchurch social marketing project that was led by the Mental Health Foundation and the Canterbury District Health Board. The project finished in July 2022.


Resources for the Public

Reference Publications


Download or order resources from the Community Health Information Centre.


Contact your local office for further information:

Ph: +64 3 364 1777

Ph: +64 3 687 2600

Ph: +64 3 768 1160

For additional information, contact:

Psychiatric Emergency Line
0800 920 092

Depression Helpline
0800 111 757

0800 LifeLine
0800 543 354

Need to talk? 1737 free call or text any time.

Small Steps make a big difference.

Digital tools to make family violence support widely available

“Family violence is a scourge on our society and violent behaviour of any kind is absolutely unacceptable. We are taking the important steps to modernise access and better connect New Zealanders experiencing family violence to the services that can support them,” Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment Priyanca Radhakrishnan said.

“Bringing more support online will make taking those first steps to get support more accessible, and work towards our goal of eliminating family violence in Aotearoa,” she said.

The new digital tools include a centralised 24/7 phone and online-chat support service, a dedicated website with interactive resources for those seeking help, and a new online space specifically driving behaviour change for those who may use violence.

“This suite of digital tools will mean support is more accessible to those who need it, wherever they are, and whenever they need it,” said Priyanca Radhakrishnan.

Wellbeing and resilience for farmers and rural communities

Looking after yourself is as important as looking after your farm.

Information Sheets on Mental Health and Wellbeing Topics

Helpful information is available from the following websites:

A variety of issues are covered including grief and bereavement, sleeping well, self-care, and reducing drugs and alcohol.

Five Ways to Wellbeing are now available as posters in migrant languages.

Page last updated: 09/01/2025

Copyright © 2025, Community & Public Health,