Love Kai: Feeding school wellbeing through values-led kai practices
Love Kai is an approach developed by Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health to implement the nationwide Healthy Active Learning initiative with Waitaha Canterbury education settings (primary to secondary).
Love Kai is driven by your school’s values and provides guidance and support to enhance school food and drink environment, policies and practices.
Kai is about more than nutrition, so Love Kai takes a holistic approach based on the Te Whare Tapa Whā model of health.
Love Kai schools’ policies and practices support hauora by:
- Taha Tinana – fuelling bodies and brains for growth and development;
- Taha Wairua – affirming identity, culture and values;
- Taha Whānau – strengthening community connections;
- Taha Hinengaro – equipping students to navigate the food and drink environment; and
- Whenua – connecting with and caring for our environment.
The Love Kai vision is for schools to be a fertile ground to grow healthy relationships with kai.
- Download the pamphlet on the Love Kai programme – updated July 2023 [4.15MB].
Release of national Healthy Active Learning (HAL) Toolkits from the Ministries of Health and Education
These documents provides a broad overview of steps that can be taken to update your school or Early Childhood Education (ECE) setting’s food and drink policy and environment. The toolkits are available in English and Māori-medium versions.
- Healthy Food and Drink Toolkit – Early Learning Services [2.59MB PDF].
- He Kete Rauemi Kai Hauora mā ngā Ratonga Mātauranga Kōhungahunga [7.01MB PDF].
- Healthy Food and Drink Toolkit – Schools [2.67MB PDF].
- He Kete Rauemi Kai Hauora mā ngā Kura [6.59MB PDF].
- Healthy Food and Drink Guidance – Early Learning Services (Ministry of Health 2020).
- Healthy Food and Drink Guidance – Schools (Ministry of Health 2020).
- Water-only Schools Toolkit (Canterbury DHB and NZDA 2017). Hard copies available to order if you are in our coverage area.
- Healthy Events and Fundraisers (Community and Public Health 2017). Hard copies available to order if you are in our coverage area.
Download or order nutrition resources from the Community Health Information Centre.
- Benefits of drinking water (NZ Dental Association).
- Eating for healthy children aged to 2 to 12 years.
- Breakfasts made easy – revised September 2023.
- Ka Pai Kai: Easy steps to great lunches.
- Sit less, move more, sleep well: Physical activity for 5 – 17 year-olds.
- Vegetables for children (Vegetables NZ).
- Healthy Active Learning (Ministry of Health).
- Healthy Active Learning (Ministry of Education).
- Sport Canterbury.
Contact the Love Kai Team for more information
Laura Brown
Ph: +64 3 364 1777
Stephanie Poole
Ph: +64 3 307 6902
Love Kai supports Edible Canterbury – gardening and orchards in schools.