Health Promotion in Kura/ Schools

Staff at Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health can assist schools who have identified nutrition and healthy eating as priorities to work on – by offering their skills, time and connections with health and community services.

Health Promoting Schools: Ngā Kura Tairanga Hauora

Health Promoting Schools (HPS) is an approach that supports school communities to create and sustain environments that improve and maintain their hauora (health and wellbeing).

The Ministry of Health’s Health Promoting Schools strategy ended in 2020.

However our Health Promoters are still able to assist with food and drink policy development and implementation through the nutrition component of the Healthy Active Learning initiative.

Health NZ resources to support vapefree and smokefree kaupapa in education settings

The Harmful Commodities team in the Health Promotion Directorate of Health NZ has published resources to support education settings around vaping.

Achieving Health Promoting Schools: Guidelines for Promoting Health in Schools captures international HPS principles and practices. This guide summarises success factors and actions for promoting health in schools, and six essential elements are highlighted:

  • Healthy school policies;
  • Physical environment;
  • Social environment;
  • Individual health skills and competencies;
  • Community links; and
  • Health services.

Students from Te Pa o Rākaihautū running across a playground.Research tells us schools should take a sustained strategic multi-faceted whole-school approach for better and more equitable health and education outcomes. This includes engaging students, staff, school leaders and whānau collaboratively in leading change.

Any school can use and adapt health promoting principles and practices to their context. There are many Aotearoa NZ specific frameworks, models and resources that have been developed to support this.

Schools can use appreciative inquiry to identify what priorities are important to their community; such as:

  • Mental wellbeing;
  • Nutrition;
  • Physical activity;
  • Whānau engagement;
  • Sun safety;
  • Cybersafety;
  • Staff wellbeing; and
  • Sustainability.

The inquiry-based approach seeks to focus on outcomes and solutions by building on what schools already do – integrating health and wellbeing objectives and actions into school planning and reporting processes.

Love Kai.Feeding school wellbeing through values-led kai practices

Love Kai is a new programme developed by Community and Public Health to implement the nationwide Healthy Active Learning initiative with Canterbury education settings.

Kai is about more than nutrition, so Love Kai takes a holistic approach based on the Te Whare Tapa Whā model of health.

Love Kai is driven by your school’s values, and provides guidance and support to enhance school food and drink environment, policies and practices.

Documents and Links

Health Promoting Schools

Mental Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

Diseases and Immunisation

Becoming a Healthy School

Contact your local office for further information:

Ph: +64 3 364 1777

Ph: +64 3 307 6902

Ph: +64 3 687 2600

Ph: +64 3 768 1160

Additional Health Support for Schools

Public Health Nursing Service (Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury).

Child and Youth Mental Health Services (Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury).

Mana Ake – Stronger for Tomorrow.

Projects and initiatives supported by our team

Healthy Ōpāwaho is a collaborative project with the vision of empowering young people to lead community action to help create a healthy Ōpāwaho/ Heathcote river.

Edible Canterbury supports gardening and orchards in schools.

Ngā Kaupapa Here: School Alcohol Policies

A comprehensive school alcohol policy means everyone is clear about the use of alcohol on your premises or at school events, and how to respond to alcohol-related incidents.

This guide offers all kura clear information for developing an alcohol policy. It includes reasons to develop a policy, the steps to take, consultation questions, topics to cover, legislation, and where to get support.

Ngā kaupapa here: School alcohol policies.

Page last updated: 03/01/2025

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