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A guide to happy healthy kids in the home

Active play guidelines for under fives: Babies 0 to 3 months

Active play guidelines for under fives: Infants 3 to 12 months

Active play guidelines for under fives: Preschool 3 to 4 years

Active play guidelines for under fives: Toddlers 1 to 2 years

Babies' world
Limited to 10 copies per order.
Gives information on getting ready including preparing older children, coping with crying, feeding, settling and sleeping, and the baby blues. Actual title: Te ao o te pēpi. Revised in 2022 – rebranded from SKIP to Tākai. Formerly titled “Tips for Babies”.
Gives information on getting ready including preparing older children, coping with crying, feeding, settling and sleeping, and the baby blues. Actual title: Te ao o te pēpi. Revised in 2022 – rebranded from SKIP to Tākai. Formerly titled “Tips for Babies”.

Be smarter
Reintroduced resource. Available in Canterbury only.
Gives information for parents on being smarter to help raise healthy kids, and includes a goal sheet. For use by general practice nurses and public health nurses doing B4 School checks only. 30 sheets per pad.
Gives information for parents on being smarter to help raise healthy kids, and includes a goal sheet. For use by general practice nurses and public health nurses doing B4 School checks only. 30 sheets per pad.

Poster - A3
Can your child hear?

Danger Signals: Baby and Child Sickness

Ear infections, earache and glue ear

Everyone please

Going to Hospital
Limited to 10 copies per order.
Written for children about going to hospital. Revised March 2014.
Written for children about going to hospital. Revised March 2014.
Max quantity of 10 per order

Good bladder/ bowel habits in children
Revised October 2023.
Gives information for parents and caregivers on improving a child’s bladder and bowel habits. Includes a copy of the Bristol Stool Chart.
Gives information for parents and caregivers on improving a child’s bladder and bowel habits. Includes a copy of the Bristol Stool Chart.

Hygienic Nappy Changing
Revised February 2024.
Gives simple steps on nappy changing. For use in early childhood education centres.
Gives simple steps on nappy changing. For use in early childhood education centres.

Keep your baby safe during sleep

Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Hearing (Hearing Screening)
Revised August 2024.
Download in other languages from
For hearing technicians to give to parents or caregivers when their child has passed the B4 School hearing screening. Code HE2276.
Download in other languages from
For hearing technicians to give to parents or caregivers when their child has passed the B4 School hearing screening. Code HE2276.

Keeping an Eye on Your Child's Vision (Vision Screening)
Download in other languages from
For vision technicians to give to parents or caregivers when their child has passed the B4 School vision screening for amblyopia (lazy eye). Revised July 2022. MoH code HE2278.
For vision technicians to give to parents or caregivers when their child has passed the B4 School vision screening for amblyopia (lazy eye). Revised July 2022. MoH code HE2278.

Keeping Healthy in Early Childhood Centres

My wellbeing/ oranga chart
Reintroduced resource.
Designed to support parents/guardians and their children to create healthy goals and work towards achieving them. To be used by healthcare workers only. 20 sheets per pad. Revised April 2023. MoH code HE2539.
Designed to support parents/guardians and their children to create healthy goals and work towards achieving them. To be used by healthcare workers only. 20 sheets per pad. Revised April 2023. MoH code HE2539.

Newborn Enrolment Process
Available in Canterbury only.
50 sheets per pad.
Gives information for parents on the free health services available to new babies, and information recorded on birth. Revised October 2022.
50 sheets per pad.
Gives information for parents on the free health services available to new babies, and information recorded on birth. Revised October 2022.

Newborn Hearing Screen Results

Newborn Hearing Screening: Referral to an Audiologist

Newborn Hearing Screening: Your Baby's Hearing Screen

Our wh?nau tikanga
Limited to 10 copies per order.
Outlines six principles of positive parenting to help address a child’s needs as they grow up. Revised in 2022 – rebranded from SKIP to Tākai. Formerly titled “Children need 6 things to grow into happy capable adults”.
Outlines six principles of positive parenting to help address a child’s needs as they grow up. Revised in 2022 – rebranded from SKIP to Tākai. Formerly titled “Children need 6 things to grow into happy capable adults”.
Max quantity of 10 per order

Parenting Helpline
Updated for 2023.
Promotes the free Parenting Helpline that provides compassionate, friendly, non-judgemental support and advice on all parenting issues.
Promotes the free Parenting Helpline that provides compassionate, friendly, non-judgemental support and advice on all parenting issues.

PEDS Response Form
For use with the previous versions of the Well Child Book. Contained in the June 2010 revision. Revised October 2015. MoH code HE2315.

PEDS Score Form
For use with the previous versions of the Well Child Book – contained in the June 2010 revision. Revised October 2015. MoH code HE2316.

Reducing food-related choking for babies and young children at early learning centres

Referral for a Full Assessment (B4 School Hearing Screening)
Download in other languages from
For hearing technicians to give to parents and caregivers, when screening indicates the need for further assessment. Revised May 2018. MoH code HE2277.
For hearing technicians to give to parents and caregivers, when screening indicates the need for further assessment. Revised May 2018. MoH code HE2277.

Referral for a Full Assessment (B4 School Vision Screening)
Download in other languages from
For vision technicians to give to parents and caregivers, when screening indicates the need for further assessment. Revised March 2022. MoH code HE2279.
For vision technicians to give to parents and caregivers, when screening indicates the need for further assessment. Revised March 2022. MoH code HE2279.

Referral to Well Child/Tamariki Ora Provider
For use when enrolling Canterbury children with a provider of free Well Child/Tamariki Ora health checks, education and support. Revised September 2021.

Repeat Newborn Hearing Screen
Explains why a further hearing screening test may be necessary. Reprinted October 2019. MoH code HE1923.

Teach your baby to drink from a cup

Thinking about parenting
A workbook for whānau to consciously think about how they want to parent their tamariki in a positive way. Actual title: Mātuatanga. Revised in 2022 – rebranded from SKIP to Tākai.

Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book
Revised January 2024.
Designed as parent information and health and immunisation record for babies and children 0 to 5 years. Also includes information on child safety and illness. Code HE7012.
Designed as parent information and health and immunisation record for babies and children 0 to 5 years. Also includes information on child safety and illness. Code HE7012.

Your Newborn Baby's Blood Test: The Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme
Revised October 2023.
Explains the newborn metabolic screening test and the conditions it can identify, and of parents right to give informed consent. Code HE2310.
Explains the newborn metabolic screening test and the conditions it can identify, and of parents right to give informed consent. Code HE2310.