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A free quit coach can make all the difference
Poster - A3
A free quit coach can make all the difference
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
A free quit coach can make all the difference
Poster - A4
A free quit coach can make all the difference
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
A guide to compliance for employers working in theatre, television and film production
A guide to compliance for employers working in theatre, television and film production
Change in format – was a pamphlet.
Requirements of changes to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020 –  as these affect theatre, film, and television workplaces. Revised December 2021. MoH code HE1721. Was DRU0023.
About weight gain
About weight gain
Discusses the worry people have about putting on weight when they quit smoking. Gives hints on how to deal with parts of the nicotine addiction that affect hunger. Was DRU0034.
Becoming smokefree
Becoming smokefree
Revised August 2024.
Aims to motivate and support you all the way to becoming smokefree. Contains advice and techniques that will give you the best opportunity for success. Code HE2595. Was DRU0158.
Becoming Smokefree is great for your mental health and wellbeing
Becoming Smokefree is great for your mental health and wellbeing
Gives information on the mental health and wellbeing benefits of quitting smoking.
Do you dream of a smoke-free pregnancy?
Do you dream of a smoke-free pregnancy?
Promotes the specific programme for hapū māmā/ pregnant Māori women provided by the stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Free support can be a real game changer
Poster - A3
Free support can be a real game changer
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Free support can be a real game changer
Poster - A4
Free support can be a real game changer
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking for baby and me
I quit smoking for baby and me
Revised May 2024.
Gives information about the benefits of quitting for parents and their babies, and where to find help and support. Designed for use by smoking cessation providers with pregnant women who are thinking about quitting smoking. Code HE2473.
I quit smoking for my health
Poster - A4
I quit smoking for my health
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking for my health
Poster - A3
I quit smoking for my health
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking for my whānau
Poster - A4
I quit smoking for my whānau
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking for my whānau
Poster - A3
I quit smoking for my whānau
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking to boost my savings
Poster - A3
I quit smoking to boost my savings
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking to boost my savings
Poster - A4
I quit smoking to boost my savings
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking to protect my baby
Poster - A4
I quit smoking to protect my baby
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
I quit smoking to protect my baby
Poster - A3
I quit smoking to protect my baby
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Information for Sport Clubs
Information for Sport Clubs
Requirements of changes to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020 – as these affect sports clubs. Revised February 2022. MoH code HE1602. Was DRU0196.
Keen to ditch the smokes for good?
Keen to ditch the smokes for good?
Details the range of services provided by the stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Keen to quit smoking for your pēpi/ baby?
Keen to quit smoking for your pēpi/ baby?
Promotes the specific programme for pregnant women provided by the stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha. Revised March 2021. Formerly “Pregnancy Incentive Programme”.
Know your smoking triggers
Know your smoking triggers
Gives information on habits amd emotions that trigger wanting to smoke. Replaces “The benefits of quitting smoking”. Was DRU0036.
Make your car smokefree
Make your car smokefree
Gives information on keeping your car smokefree and not exposing passengers – especially children – to second-hand smoke, or the negative example of smoking. Includes messages in Te Reo Māori and multiple Pacific languages. Revised July 2021. MoH code HE1803. Was DRU0204.
Me Mutu Tātou/ Let
Me Mutu Tātou/ Let's All Quit
Bilingual resource in te reo Māori and in English to support Māori smokers to quit smoking. Revised June 2021. MoH code HE2383. Was DRU0080.
Nicotine patches, gum and lozenges
Nicotine patches, gum and lozenges
Gives information on the different types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) available to help when trying to quit smoking. Replaces “Nicotine Replacement – Patches, Gum or Lozenges”. Was DRU0037.
Protect the health of your children: A guide to making your home and car smokefree
Protect the health of your children: A guide to making your home and car smokefree
Revised May 2023.
Gives information on keeping your home and car smokefree and being a positive role model against smoking. Describes the risks of second-hand smoke – especially to children. MoH code HE1802. Was DRU0205.
Quit Card
Quit Card
Gives the four Ds for giving up smoking and quitting cigarettes for good. Actual title: Got cravings? Revised June 2014. MoH code HE10141. Was DRU0093.
Quit for good with smokefree support
Poster - A4
Quit for good with smokefree support
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Smokefree Area
Smokefree Area
BACK adhesive sticker with the words Smokefree Area. Credit card size 80 x 53mm. Revised April 2016. MoH code HE1629. Was DRU0073.
Smokefree Area
Smokefree Area
BACK adhesive sticker for use in buildings. 200 x 55mm. Revised April 2016. MoH code HE1624. Formerly titled “Smokefree Inside”. Was DRU0016.
Smokefree Area - Window
Smokefree Area - Window
FRONT adhesive sticker for use on building windows. 200 x 55mm. Revised April 2016. MoH code HE1625. Formerly titled “Smokefree Inside”. Was DRU0017.
Smokefree at all times
Smokefree at all times
BACK adhesive sticker for use in schools and other smokefree areas in compliance with changes to the Smoke-free Environments Act. Reprinted February 2016. MoH code HE1510. Was DRU0177.
Smokefree at All Times - Window
Smokefree at All Times - Window
FRONT adhesive sticker for use on windows in schools and other smokefree areas in compliance with changes to the Smoke-free Environments Act 1990. Revised February 2016. MoH code HE1511. Was DRU0178.
Smokefree support can make quitting easier
Poster - A4
Smokefree support can make quitting easier
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Smokefree support made all the difference
Poster - A4
Smokefree support made all the difference
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Smokefree Table Top Sign
Smokefree Table Top Sign
Cardboard smokefree sign for a table. 60 x 50mm. Revised April 2013. MoH code HE4279. Was DRU0006.
Smoking is not our tikanga
Poster - A4
Smoking is not our tikanga
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
Te Hā - Waitaha
Te Hā - Waitaha
Promotes the free stop smoking service in Canterbury – Te Hā – Waitaha.
The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products
The Complete Ban on the Display of Tobacco Products
Gives information for tobacco retailers about the complete ban on the display of tobacco products from 23 July 2012. Revised June 2021. MoH code HE2381. Was DRU0081.
Time to Quit
Time to Quit
Revised November 2022.
For smokers thinking about quitting or giving up cigarettes and nicotine. MoH code HE1109.
Actual title: 80% of smokers wish they’d never started. Formerly “Having a smoke… Having a think”. Was DRU0116.
Vapefree smokefree
Vapefree smokefree
Limited to 1 copy per location.
Also available in Te Reo Māori. Available for community groups and not-for-profit organisations in Canterbury only.
Promotes that the location is a vapefree and smokefree environment.  600mm x 150mm.
Max quantity of 1 per order
Vapefree smokefree - Te Reo Māori
Vapefree smokefree - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 1 copy per location.
Available for community groups and not-for-profit organisations in Canterbury only.
Promotes that the location is a vapefree and smokefree environment.  600mm x 150mm. Actual title: Hākohu kore Auahi kore.
Max quantity of 1 per order
Vaping facts
Vaping facts
Revised March 2023.
Provides credible information about vaping as a way to stop smoking. MoH code HE2578. Was DRU0144.
Vaping facts - Te Reo Māori
Vaping facts - Te Reo Māori
Provides credible information about vaping as a way to stop smoking. Revised July 2022. MoH code HE2579. Actual title: Te momi haurehu kia mutu te kai paipa. Was DRU0144A.
Vaping law and regulations for schools and early childhood education and care centres
Vaping law and regulations for schools and early childhood education and care centres
Gives information for schools, Kura Kaupapa Māori, Kōhanga Reo and Early Childhood Education and Care Centres about the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020. These venues are 100% smokefree and vapefree at all times, and must display signage to that effect. Code HE1515.
When you
Poster - A2
When you're ready to quit smoking...
Promotes Quitline to help you become smokefree and quit cigarettes for good. Reprinted April 2019. MoH code HE10144. Formerly titled “Want to Quit Smoking?” Was DRU0098.
Work vehicles and transportation: Information for employers
Work vehicles and transportation: Information for employers
Reintroduced resource.
Gives information on covering the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 requirements for ships, trains, aircraft, taxis and other specified work vehicles and passenger service vehicles. MoH code HE1628. Revised June 2021.

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