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1737: Need to talk?

Alcohol or other drugs, and depression

All Right? Rollercoaster
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Shows the wide range of feelings people experience. An excellent tool to check in with those around you in your workplace. Comes with a set of carriages for up to 5 people.
Shows the wide range of feelings people experience. An excellent tool to check in with those around you in your workplace. Comes with a set of carriages for up to 5 people.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Alternative treatments for depression

Anxiety and depression is different for everyone
Revised November 2022.
Promotes the help available on the website. Designed to be given out by health professionals, counsellors and other support people. Wallet card size. Formerly “”.
Promotes the help available on the website. Designed to be given out by health professionals, counsellors and other support people. Wallet card size. Formerly “”.

Anxiety and how to manage it
Revised August 2023.
Looks at how to recognise and manage anxiety. Formerly “Anxiety and how to handle it”.
Looks at how to recognise and manage anxiety. Formerly “Anxiety and how to handle it”.

Are you worried someone is thinking of suicide?

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: Family overseas (Anna)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My anau/ family (Liz)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My baby (Angelica)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My brother (Twins)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My good mates (Tai)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My partner (Kieran)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My sisters (Safira)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: My wh?nau (Phil)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A4
Awhi mai awhi atu: Our neighbours (Monju)
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Reminds us that being grateful for our loved ones and looking out for them too can really boost our wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in New Zealand.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Bipolar disorder
Gives useful information on the experience of bipolar and strategies for recovery, as well as how you can support a family member or friend who may be living with bipolar.

Borderline Personality Disorder
Revised for 2023.
Looks about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), its symptoms, causes and treatments, strategies for recovery and support.
Looks about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), its symptoms, causes and treatments, strategies for recovery and support.

Poster - A3
CALD Wellbeing - Farsi
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Encourages those from refugee and migrant backgrounds to think about simple things to improve their wellbeing. CALD stands for culturally and linguistically diverse. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Encourages those from refugee and migrant backgrounds to think about simple things to improve their wellbeing. CALD stands for culturally and linguistically diverse. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
CALD Wellbeing - Hindi

Poster - A3
CALD Wellbeing - Korean

Poster - A3
CALD Wellbeing - Nepali

Chur! All good bro?
Gives tips on how to kōrero/talk with the bro about the tough stuff and tautoko/support fellow tāne Māori going through a hard time. MoH code HE2610.

Connecting through kōrero
Gives information for concerned adults such as parents, caregivers, teachers or whānau to give support/ tautoko and guidance to talk/ kōrero with young people about suicide.

Coping with exams

Coping with grief and loss

Creating mentally healthy workplace environments for Māori
Provides practical tips for employers and employees to consider in their workplace to better meet the needs of Māori employees. Explores common Māori cultural concepts and practices.

Depression and other health issues

Depression during and after pregnancy

Everyday Upstander
Gives information about bullying prevention and actions you can take to be the Upstander. Supports Pink Shirt Day. Provides 2 accordion pocket resources.

Facts about depression

Farmstrong: Under the pump?
Gives information and advice for farmers and growers on noticing and dealing with stress and fatigue.

Poster - A3
Find your hidden strengths - Saucepan

Pocket Resource
Five Ways to Wellbeing
Revised for 2023. Change in format and supplier – was a MHF postcard.
Limited to 10 copies per order.
Lists the five actions that you can introduce into your life, any time, to begin to feel the benefits. Formerly titled “Winning Ways to Wellbeing”.
Limited to 10 copies per order.
Lists the five actions that you can introduce into your life, any time, to begin to feel the benefits. Formerly titled “Winning Ways to Wellbeing”.
Max quantity of 10 per order

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Amharic

Pocket Resource
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Amharic

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Arabic

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Chinese

Pocket Resource
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Farsi

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Farsi

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Hindi

Pocket Resource
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Korean

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Korean

Pocket Resource
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Nepali

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Nepali

Poster - A3
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Somali

Pocket Resource
Five Ways to Wellbeing - Te Reo Māori
Updated for 2023.
Gives information on the 5 ways to wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Gives information on the 5 ways to wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.

Funerals in Aotearoa after a death by suicide: Guidance for bereaved whānau and those supporting them
Can help support you in planning your loved one’s funeral or hui mate in a way that honours their life, addresses suicide safely and helps you and your whānau cope with your grief. MoH code HE2612.

Funerals in Aotearoa after a death by suicide: Guidance for whānau, kaumātua, funeral directors, celebrants and faith leaders
Will help whānau leaders, kaumātua, funeral directors, celebrants, faith leaders, or anyone leading a funeral or hui mate as you walk alongside the bereaved whānau, kōrero/talk safely about suicide, and take care of yourself throughout the process. MoH code HE2613.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Gives information on this anxiety disorder, including getting support and treatment.

Getting active to beat depression

Poster - A3
Give a free compliment
Revised for 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages sharing a kind word with someone.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages sharing a kind word with someone.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Having suicidal thoughts and finding a way back
Limited to 20 copies per order.
Offers advice for those thinking about taking their own lives from people who have lived through it themselves. Revised December 2020. MoH code HE2538.
Offers advice for those thinking about taking their own lives from people who have lived through it themselves. Revised December 2020. MoH code HE2538.
Max quantity of 20 per order

He waka eke noa - Hindi

He waka eke noa - Mandarin

He waka eke noa - Samoan

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to feel a bit all over the place

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to have a cry

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to keep the faith

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to keep ticking along

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to need a hug

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to reach out

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to share some kai

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to take a breather

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to take some downtime

Poster - A3
He waka eke noa: It's all right to talk it out

Health professionals and services

Pocket Resource
Help for the tough times
Limited to 20 copies per order.
Reintroduced resource.
Offers a quick reference guide to support teenagers to get helpful information when they are feeling stressed, anxious or out of their depth. Highlights four reliable and free websites specifically designed to help young people.
Reintroduced resource.
Offers a quick reference guide to support teenagers to get helpful information when they are feeling stressed, anxious or out of their depth. Highlights four reliable and free websites specifically designed to help young people.
Max quantity of 20 per order

How you can help someone with depression

Poster - A4
However you identify - Joanne

Poster - A4
However you identify - Ray

Ko wai ahau?/ Who am I?
Revised December 2023.
Provides a personal safety plan for rangatahi/ youth to help keep themselves safe during tough or challenging times, including a list of trusted people to reach out to when in need.
Provides a personal safety plan for rangatahi/ youth to help keep themselves safe during tough or challenging times, including a list of trusted people to reach out to when in need.

Managing depression and preventing relapse

Poster - A3
Manly As: Whatever position you choose

Poster - A3
Manly As: Whatever tools you use

Poster - A3
Manly As: Whatever you drink

Poster - A3
Manly As: Whatever you wear

Poster - A3
Manly As: Whoever you love

Maramataka Calendar
Limited to 1 copy per order.
Track the daily impact that the moon can have on our wellbeing. Features a laminated calendar based on the moon phases of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and a sticker sheet. Also known as Te Rātaka o te Marama. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Track the daily impact that the moon can have on our wellbeing. Features a laminated calendar based on the moon phases of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and a sticker sheet. Also known as Te Rātaka o te Marama. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 1 per order

Mid Canterbury Mental Health and Community Support

My own survival plan
Provides a personal safety plan so you can keep a record of the things you can do and the people you can contact to keep yourself safe if you are feeling really bad. MoH code HE2547.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Gives information on this anxiety disorder, including getting support and treatment.

Panic and Agoraphobia
Gives information on this anxiety disorder, including getting support and treatment.

Poster - A3
Parenting Questions: Guitar
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents think about any questions they want answered. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury. Actual title: Got parenting questions you’d like answered?
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents think about any questions they want answered. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury. Actual title: Got parenting questions you’d like answered?
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Parenting Questions: Henna Hands
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents think about any questions they want answered. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury. Actual title: Got parenting questions you’d like answered?
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents think about any questions they want answered. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury. Actual title: Got parenting questions you’d like answered?
Max quantity of 10 per order

Parenting Questions: My daily routine
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
A chart to help parents get children aged 4 to 10 into routines. Updated for 2019. Actual title: Help your kids form everyday routines.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
A chart to help parents get children aged 4 to 10 into routines. Updated for 2019. Actual title: Help your kids form everyday routines.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Parenting Questions: What I'm up to this week
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
A chart to help parents get children aged 10 and over into routines. Updated for 2019. Actual title: Weekly goals and routines for tweens.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
A chart to help parents get children aged 10 and over into routines. Updated for 2019. Actual title: Weekly goals and routines for tweens.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Parents: I know I can make a difference. I'm just finding out how
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Poster - A4
Parents: I'll never be cooler for him than I am right now
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Change in format – was A3 size. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Change in format – was A3 size. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Parents: I'll never be cooler for him than I am right now
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Parents: I'm learning to trust my instincts as a Mum
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Poster - A3
Parents: My son loves his kai so meals are a great time to catch up
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Parents: My son loves his kai so meals are a great time to catch up
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Parents: Quiet times are a real treat so we're both pretty keen on drawing
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Poster - A4
Parents: Some days are great, others we just have to wing it
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Change in format – was A3 size. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Change in format – was A3 size. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Parents: Some days are great, others we just have to wing it
Reintroduced resource. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Poster - A3
Parents: They love celebrating our culture. But as for tidying their rooms...
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Parents: They love celebrating our culture. But as for tidying their rooms...
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Parents: You think they don't want to talk to you, but they do
Revised July 2023. Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Poster - A3
Parents: You think they don't want to talk to you, but they do
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages parents to stop, notice and think about the great job they are doing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Postnatal depression: Support for new parents
Revised October 2023.
Gives information on the effects of post natal depression, and how and where to get support. Formerly titled “Postnatal depression: Getting the support you need”.
Gives information on the effects of post natal depression, and how and where to get support. Formerly titled “Postnatal depression: Getting the support you need”.

Gives information on how to recognise and better understand psychosis, pathways to recovery, and how you can support a family member or friend who may be living with psychosis.

Reaching out can be hard, but it is worth it
Limited to 20 copies per order.
Promotes the help available on the website. Designed to be given out by health professionals, counsellors and other support people. Wallet card size.
Promotes the help available on the website. Designed to be given out by health professionals, counsellors and other support people. Wallet card size.
Max quantity of 20 per order

Sexuality, gender identity and depression

Social Anxiety
Gives information on this anxiety disorder, including getting support and treatment.

Sparklers Rollercoaster
Limited to 3 copies per order.
Shows the wide range of feelings tamariki experience. An excellent tool to check in with those around you in your classroom.
Shows the wide range of feelings tamariki experience. An excellent tool to check in with those around you in your classroom.
Max quantity of 3 per order

Sparklers Wellbeing Wheel
Limited to 5 copies per order.
A great tool for when a quick boost, a change of focus, a calming moment is needed or as part of your classroom routine. Designed for those working with tamariki. Comes with a spinning arrow.
A great tool for when a quick boost, a change of focus, a calming moment is needed or as part of your classroom routine. Designed for those working with tamariki. Comes with a spinning arrow.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Sparklers: Balance energy high and lows
Revised for 2023. Available in the Canterbury region only.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit to support the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit to support the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Sparklers: Create a culture of kindness
Revised for 2023. Available in the Canterbury region only.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children. Formerly titled “Sparklers: Make it cool to be kind”.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children. Formerly titled “Sparklers: Make it cool to be kind”.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Sparklers: Foster gratitude and giving
Revised for 2023. Available in the Canterbury region only.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Sparklers: Help kids manage big emotions
Revised for 2023. Available in the Canterbury region only.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Sparklers: Help tamariki embrace who they are
Revised for 2023. Available in the Canterbury region only.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Poster - A3
Sparklers: Making wellbeing easy and fun
Revised for 2023. Available in the Canterbury region only.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Limited to 5 copies per order.
Promotes the online toolkit supporting the mental health and wellbeing of primary and intermediate school children.
Max quantity of 5 per order

Pocket Resource
Spending more on the pokies than you wanted?
Revised March 2024.
Download in other languages from
Gives useful advice and help if you are concerned about your own gambling. Code: CNC068. Formerly “Worried about someone’s gambling?”
Download in other languages from
Gives useful advice and help if you are concerned about your own gambling. Code: CNC068. Formerly “Worried about someone’s gambling?”

Pocket Resource
Spending more on the pokies than you wanted? - Korean
Gives useful advice and help if you are concerned about your own or someone else’s gambling. Code: MGH145.

Pocket Resource
Spending more on the pokies that you wanted? - Hindi
Gives useful advice and help if you are concerned about your own or someone else’s gambling. Code: MGH144.

Stress and how to manage it
Revised August 2023.
Contains information on things that can contribute to stress, ways to recognise some of the warning signs, and some ways to deal with stress. Formerly “Stress and how to handle it”.
Contains information on things that can contribute to stress, ways to recognise some of the warning signs, and some ways to deal with stress. Formerly “Stress and how to handle it”.

Stress, relaxation and sleep

Suicide and self harm

Te Waioratanga ki Waitaha
Limited to 2 copies per order.
A directory of local kaiwhakaora Māori healers and wellness practitioners. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
A directory of local kaiwhakaora Māori healers and wellness practitioners. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Max quantity of 2 per order

Poster - A3 Set
Te Waioratanga: Te Reo Portraits
Reintroduced resource.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages thinking about your wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.
Available in the Greater Christchurch region only.
Encourages thinking about your wellbeing. Part of the campaign to promote wellbeing in Canterbury.

Pocket Resource
The Lowdown
Promotes the information available on the Lowdown website to help young people when life is not so good.

There is a way through: A guide for people experiencing stress, depression and anxiety

Tihei Mauri Ora: Supporting wh?nau through suicidal distress
Limited to 20 copies per order.
Revised April 2024.
Information for whānau and friends to support someone who is in crisis or distress. Gives suggestions about how to support people who might be distressed or in suicidal crisis, and those who are recovering from feeling suicidal. Code HE2424.
Revised April 2024.
Information for whānau and friends to support someone who is in crisis or distress. Gives suggestions about how to support people who might be distressed or in suicidal crisis, and those who are recovering from feeling suicidal. Code HE2424.
Max quantity of 20 per order

Treatment options

Understanding Anger

Understanding anxiety

Understanding Conflict

Understanding Decision Making

Understanding Loneliness and Friendship

Understanding Self-esteem

Wayfinding through stigma
Gives information to help Pacific rangatahi/youth understand mental distress stigma and discrimination.

We're here to support you
Outlines a range of Mental Health Foundation resources that may help to support after a suicide.

Wellbeing tips for managing financial stress
Gives tips for dealing with financial stress and taking care of your wellbeing as well with the rising cost of living.

What are eating disorders?
Revised June 2023.
Gives information on who is at risk and the signs and symptoms of eating disorders. Formerly titled “What is an eating disorder?”
Gives information on who is at risk and the signs and symptoms of eating disorders. Formerly titled “What is an eating disorder?”

What happens now?
Gives information about how to stay safe after a suicide attempt or self-harm event. MoH code HE2545.

What Helps Me When I'm Stressed

Poster - A4
Whatever your story - Suli

Poster - A3
Where ever you're out - Kathryn

Poster - A4
Whoever you love - Heeni

Your guide to planning a safe suicide prevention event
Available in Te Reo Māori from
Provides help as you plan and run a safe suicide prevention event. It includes advice on how to speak safely about suicide as well as ways to offer hope to all attending.
Provides help as you plan and run a safe suicide prevention event. It includes advice on how to speak safely about suicide as well as ways to offer hope to all attending.