Immunise now as whooping cough is on the rise
Pregnant people, hapū māma, babies/pēpi, children and others at high risk from whooping cough are urged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. A whooping cough epidemic was declared for Aotearoa New Zealand on 22nd November 2024. A nationally coordinated response now in place.
Whooping cough (also known as pertussis) is a highly contagious illness that can be particularly dangerous for babies, with cases rising across the motu over the past months to high levels.
1,232 cases have been reported across the motu since October 2024 with 101 cases hospitalised. One infant died from whooping cough over the Christmas period.
“Our hearts go out to the family who have lost their child to this highly infectious disease. This is the last news any of us wanted. It is one death too many,” says Dr Matt Reid – Public Health Medicine Specialist at the National Public Health Service.
“We are most concerned for newborn babies who are too young to be vaccinated. This is why it so vitally important for pregnant people and hapū māma to be vaccinated. This is recommended from 16 weeks of pregnancy as the best and safest way to protect their baby from this serious, and sadly, sometimes fatal disease,” says Dr Susan Jack – National Clinical Director Protection at the National Public Health Service.
- Find out more about whooping cough (Health NZ).
Getting immunised for whooping cough
Infants and young children also need be protected by being kept up to date with their pertussis immunisations, which are due at ages 6 weeks, 3 months and 5 months, and again at 4 years. A further booster is given at age 11 years (school year 7) – though it’s never too late for children to catch up on their vaccinations.
“Vaccinations are FREE for all children aged under 18 – including visitors to New Zealand regardless of their citizenship. Adults are eligible for one FREE booster from age 45 (if they have not had four previous tetanus doses), and can get one FREE from age 65.
“It’s also a good reminder that children particularly need to be kept up to date with all of their vaccinations, such as measles, mumps and rubella too – and not just pertussis,” Dr Jack says. “Now is a great time to check that you, your whānau and tamariki are up to date with all of your immunisations.”
The FREE whooping cough vaccine can be given at your GP, Hauora Māori, Pacific health service, or at some pharmacies.
- Book your whooping cough vaccination online, or call 0800 28 29 26 for more information or assistance (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday).
- Find out more about the whooping cough vaccination.
Signs and symptoms of whooping cough to look out for
Whooping cough is highly infectious and is spread by coughing and sneezing. It’s caused by bacteria which damage the breathing tubes.
The symptoms usually appear around a week after infection.
Parents or caregivers should seek medical advice for their tamariki if they have a cough that ends with a ‘whoop’ sound or vomiting.
Whooping cough in pēpi is unpredictable and can get worse very quickly. Babies under the age of one who get pertussis are more likely to become seriously ill and need hospital treatment.
Parents should seek urgent medical advice if their pēpi:
- Stops breathing;
- Goes blue with coughing;
- Appears to have a cold, then cough and have difficulty breathing;
- Gets exhausted from coughing;
- Is not able to feed properly because of coughing and difficulty breathing;
- Loses weight because of difficulty feeding and because the cough causes them to vomit (be sick).
See your doctor if you think you or a family member may have whooping cough, particularly if they:
- have prolonged coughing spasms;
- turn blue while coughing;
- cough with a whooping sound; and
- are not vaccinated.
- Find out more about whooping cough (Health NZ).
Adapted from: Health NZ media releases (October and November 2024 and January 2025).
Published on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, under News