Notifiable Disease Notification Forms

The preferred method for notification for notifiable diseases to Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health is via Cortex or ERMS.

This page provides the notifiable disease forms that can be used by health professionals if Cortex or ERMS are unavailable.

Forms are also available to:

  • report conditions related to hazardous substances; and
  • report or summarise outbreaks affecting settings such as schools and early learning centres, rest homes or hospitals.

Any information provided is strictly confidential and subject to the Privacy Act.

Download the appropriate form below to send to your nearest Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health Office.

Note: Most forms have now been consolidated across our coverage area.

Notification Forms

Outbreak Notification and Case Log Forms

Staff in care facilities need to act quickly if there is a sudden increase in diarrhoea, vomiting or respiratory symptoms. This includes hospitals and retirement villages.
Staff should take the following steps:

  1. Seek infection control advice from the local Infection Prevention and Control Service (such as IPCNursing[at]
  2. If this is a gastroenteritis outbreak, a Health Protection Officer will contact you to discuss laboratory testing and provide an outbreak number if testing of faecal or PCR specimens are required.
  3. Download the appropriate Outbreak Notification and Illness Log forms below. Email the completed forms to your local Community and Public Health office at the end of the outbreak.
  4. Report COVID positive test results on behalf of your residents via:
    • RAT Catcher – this system is preferable as it will capture that the person is a resident in a facility; or
    • My Health Record (formerly My COVID Record) – you can call 0800 222 478 and choose option 3). However this may result in calls from the Care in the Community teams asking if your residents need any clinical or manaaki support.

Email ratcatchersupport[at] if you are interested in using RAT Catcher.

Staff in education settings should complete the following forms if they experience a gastroenteritis outbreak:

Contact the Protection staff at your local Te Mana Ora office for further information:

Ph: +64 3 364 1777

Ph: +64 3 687 2600

Ph: +64 3 768 1160

Page last updated: 29/07/2024

Copyright © 2025, Community & Public Health,