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After the COVID-19 vaccination
After the COVID-19 vaccination
Describes possible reactions or side-effects that may happen after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Code HP8591.
After your child is immunised
After your child is immunised
Revised September 2023.
Gives information for parents and caregivers about what may happen after their child is immunised, and what they can do to help. Code NIP8866 – was previously HE1504. Formerly “Most Immunisations Have No Reaction…”
After your immunisation
After your immunisation
Information for teenagers and adults about what may happen after they are immunised, and what they can do to help with any symptoms. Revised December 2018. MoH code HE2505.
After your immunisations during pregnancy
After your immunisations during pregnancy
Information for pregnant people about what may happen after they are immunised, and what they can do to help with any symptoms. Code NIP8706.
After your MMR vaccination
After your MMR vaccination
Describes possible reactions or side-effects that may happen after receiving the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. MoH code HP8154.
After your school immunisation
After your school immunisation
Post-vaccination letter describing the reactions a child may have to the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccination. Revised November 2022. MoH code HE1313. Formerly “Year 7 Immunisation: School Programme”.
Aotearoa Immunisation Register
Aotearoa Immunisation Register
Revised December 2023.
Gives information about how your immunisation details are recorded in the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR). Code NIP8901 – was HE2423. Previously titled “The National Immunisation Register”.
Are your tamariki under 5 protected against measles?
Are your tamariki under 5 protected against measles?
Gives information on the measles vaccinations (MMR) available to children under 5 years old as part of the National Immunisation Schedule. Part of the Protect against measles campaign. MoH code HP8198.
BCG Vaccine: After care for parents
BCG Vaccine: After care for parents
Download in other languages from
Information on how to look after the BCG vaccination site. Revised November 2014. Reprinted March 2019. MoH code HE2226.
BCG Vaccine: Information for Health Professionals
BCG Vaccine: Information for Health Professionals
Information for lead maternity carers and other health professionals about TB, which children should be offered the BCG vaccination, and post-vaccination care. Revised April 2019. MoH code HE2204.
BCG Vaccine: Information for parents
BCG Vaccine: Information for parents
Download in other languages from
Information about TB and the BCG vaccination enabling parents/caregivers to make an informed decision about having their baby vaccinated. Revised November 2021. MoH code HE2205.
Be protected against meningococcal disease
Poster - A3
Be protected against meningococcal disease
Revised March 2023.
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes the FREE meningococcal vaccines available to young people | rangatahi aged 13 to 25 years moving into or living in boarding school hostels, halls of residence, military barracks or prisons. MoH code HP8205.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Born between 1989 and 2004? Make sure you
Born between 1989 and 2004? Make sure you're fully protected
Gives information on the measles catch-up immunisation available to people born between 1989 and 2004. MoH code HP8156.
Childhood Immunisation
Childhood Immunisation
Revised September 2023.
Gives information about diseases, infections, immunity, vaccines and immunisation for families of babies and young children. Code HE1323.
Flu and COVID-19 vaccination consent form
Flu and COVID-19 vaccination consent form
Consent form for vaccination against seasonal influenza and COVID-19, including information for the person being immunised.
Flu vaccination consent form
Flu vaccination consent form
Revised January 2024.
Consent form for vaccination against seasonal influenza, including information for the person being immunised. MoH code HP7990.
Flu: Free vaccine for many tamariki with underlying health conditions
Poster - A3
Flu: Free vaccine for many tamariki with underlying health conditions
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Download in Te Reo Māori from
Promotes free vaccinations against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for some children with underlying health conditions. Code NIP8919 – incorrectly printed with NIP8917. Actual title: Many tamariki with underlying health conditions may be eligible for a FREE flu vaccine.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Free vaccine for many tamariki with underlying health conditions - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Free vaccine for many tamariki with underlying health conditions - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes free vaccinations against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for some children with underlying health conditions. Code NIP8931. Actual title: He maha ngā tamariki e pāngia ana ki te mate tauroa e āhei ana pea ki te whiwhi rongoā āraimate rewharewha KOREUTU.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Free vaccine for people accessing some mental health or addiction services
Poster - A3
Flu: Free vaccine for people accessing some mental health or addiction services
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Download in Te Reo Māori from
Promotes free vaccinations against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for those accessing some mental health or addiction services. Code NIP8918. Actual title: The flu vaccine is FREE for people who are accessing some mental health or addiction services.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Free vaccine for people accessing some mental health or addiction services - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Free vaccine for people accessing some mental health or addiction services - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes free vaccinations against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for those accessing some mental health or addiction services. Code NIP8930. Actual title: He KOREUTU te rongoā āraimate rewharewha mō te hunga e whai wāhi ana ki ētahi o ngā ratonga hauora hinengaro, waranga rānei.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Is your child under 5 years old?
Poster - A3
Flu: Is your child under 5 years old?
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Download in Te Reo Māori from
Promotes getting children under 5 years vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab), and that free vaccines are available for some under 5s. Code NIP8917.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Is your child under 5 years old? - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Is your child under 5 years old? - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting children under 5 years vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab), and that free vaccines are available for some under 5s. Code NIP8929. Actual title: Kei raro i te 5 tau te pakeke o tō tamaiti?
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for those over 6 months, including people who can receive a free vaccine. Code NIP8722.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for those over 6 months, including people who can receive a free vaccine. Code NIP8928. Actual title: Flu 2024 – Tiakina koutou ko tō whānau.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+ Kaumatua)
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+ Kaumatua)
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for FREE if you 65 years and older. Code NIP8937.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+)
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+)
Revised February 2024.
Gives information on influenza (the flu) and getting vaccinated (the flu shot or jab) for those over 65 years. Code NIP8712.
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+)
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+)
Revised February 2024.
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for FREE if you 65 years and older. Code NIP8713.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+) - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+) - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for FREE if you are 65 years and older. Code NIP8937. Actual title: Rewharewha: Tiakina koutou ko tō whānau.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+) - Te Reo Māori
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (65+) - Te Reo Māori
Gives information on influenza (the flu) and getting vaccinated (the flu shot or jab) for those 65 years and over. Code NIP8924. Actual title: Rewharewha: Tiakina koutou ko tō whānau.
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (Whaikaha)
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (Whaikaha)
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for those over 6 months, including people who can receive a free vaccine. Code NIP8945.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (Whaikaha) - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Protect yourself and your whānau (Whaikaha) - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for those over 6 months, including people who can receive a free vaccine. Code NIP8946.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy
Poster - A3
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy
Revised February 2024.
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) if you are pregnant. Code NIP8715. Previously “Protecting your pēpi from flu starts in pregnancy”.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy
Revised February 2024.
Gives information on influenza (the flu) and promotes getting vaccinated (the flu shot or jab) for pregnant people. Code NIP8714.
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) during pregnancy. Code NIP8927. Actual title: Ka tīmata te tiaki i a kōrua ko tō pēpi i te rewharewha i te wā e hapū ana.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy - Te Reo Māori
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy - Te Reo Māori
Gives information on influenza (the flu) and promotes getting vaccinated (the flu shot or jab) for pregnant people. Code NIP8726. Actual title: Rewharewha: Ka tīmata te tiaki i a kōrua ko tō pēpi i te wā e hapū ana.
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy (Wahine)
Poster - A3
Flu: Protecting you and your pēpi starts in pregnancy (Wahine)
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) if you are pregnant. Code NIP8936.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Free meningococcal B vaccines for all tamariki under 5 years old
Poster - A3
Free meningococcal B vaccines for all tamariki under 5 years old
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes the free meningococcal B vaccine for children under 5 years old. Code NIP8790.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Get your immunisations up to date
Poster - A3
Get your immunisations up to date
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages families to get vaccinated to protect each other from infectious diseases. Code NIP8710.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Hepatitis B Information Pack
Hepatitis B Information Pack
Available in Canterbury and West Coast only.
Information pack on the Hepatitis B. For use by midwives, vaccinators and practice nurses.
If your child has missed an immunisation, it
Poster - A3
If your child has missed an immunisation, it's OK
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages parents and caregivers to get free catch-up National Immunisation Schedule vaccinations for their tamariki and rangatahi. Code NIP8717.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Immunisation Certificate
Immunisation Certificate
Revised September 2023.
Stand-alone form replicating immunisation certificate page in the Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book. Code NIP8858 – was HE7013.
Immunisation during pregnancy consent form
Immunisation during pregnancy consent form
Consent form for vaccinations for pregnant people, including against whooping cough, influenza and COVID-19. Code NIP8705.
Immunisation for older people
Immunisation for older people
Download in Te Reo Māori, Pacific and migrant languages from
Gives information for older people about free vaccines to protect them against influenza, shingles, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. Revised October 2022. MoH code HE2540.
Immunisation for older people - Large print
Immunisation for older people - Large print
Gives information for older people about free vaccines to protect them against influenza, shingles, tetanus and diphtheria. Revised October 2022. MoH code HE2548.
Immunisation Guidelines for Early Childhood Services and Primary Schools
Immunisation Guidelines for Early Childhood Services and Primary Schools
Revised September 2023.
Available in Te Reo Māori.

Information about immunisation for early childhood services and primary school staff. Code HE1106.
Immunisation Record
Immunisation Record
Revised October 2023.
For Well Child books not already carrying the latest immunisation schedule. Code NIP8859 –  was HE1309. Previously available as a sticker.
Immunisation Register for Early Childhood Services and Primary Schools
Immunisation Register for Early Childhood Services and Primary Schools
Revised July 2024.
Available in Te Reo Māori.

Class immunisation register for early childhood services and primary schools. Code NIP8863 – was HE1111.
Immunise against Meningococcal Disease
Poster - A3
Immunise against Meningococcal Disease
Advises those in at risk groups (babies, under 5s, teenagers and young adults) to get immunised against meningococcal disease. MoH code HE2394.
Poster - A3
It's not too late to get up to date
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages pregnant women, hapū māmā and tamariki to get the free vaccines available to them. Code NIP8707.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Keep your mokopuna safe
Poster - A3
Keep your mokopuna safe
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages getting tamariki immunised against preventable childhood diseases. Code NIP8708.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Keep yourself protected against Covid
Poster - A3
Keep yourself protected against Covid
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes and encourages getting a Covid vaccination every 6 months to protect yourself. Code NIP8921.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Keep yourself protected against Covid - Te Reo Māori
Poster - A3
Keep yourself protected against Covid - Te Reo Māori
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes and encourages getting a Covid vaccination every 6 months to protect yourself. Code NIP8938. Actual title: Me tiaki i a koe anō i te Kowheori.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Let's talk about immunisation
Flipchart designed for use by health professionals when talking about immunisation with expectant or new parents. MoH code HP6246.
Max quantity of 1 per order
Measles: Born between 1989 and 2004?
Poster - A3
Measles: Born between 1989 and 2004?
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Gives information on the measles catch-up immunisation available to people born between 1989 and 2004. MoH code HP8152.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Meningococcal B immunisation: Paracetamol for pēpi under 2 years
Meningococcal B immunisation: Paracetamol for pēpi under 2 years
Provides information to parents and caregivers on the use of paracetamol when having the MenB vaccine (Bexsero), due to the high risk of fever for children under 2 years. Code NIP8788.
Meningococcal Disease: Know the symptoms
Meningococcal Disease: Know the symptoms
Revised December 2023. Change in format – was a booklet.
Available in Te Reo Māori and Pacific languages.

Gives information about the symptoms of meningococcal disease and what to do if someone has them – seek medical advice quickly.  MoH code HE2395.
MMR vaccination consent form
MMR vaccination consent form
Consent form for vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella (MMR). MoH code HP8105.
National Immunisation Schedule
National Immunisation Schedule
Revised January 2024.
Summarises vaccine information for vaccinators and health professionals. Shows photos of the vaccines given at each age, plus the range of diseases covered by the immunisation schedule. Code NIP8860 – was HE1308.
Pasifika: Baby
Poster - A3
Pasifika: Baby's wellbeing is our first priority
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages parents and caregivers to get their babies and toddlers immunised. Code NIP6724.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Pasifika: Getting all their shots for the best start in life
Poster - A3
Pasifika: Getting all their shots for the best start in life
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages parents and caregivers to get their children immunised. Code NIP6725.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Pasifika: Give our babies one of the best defences in life
Poster - A3
Pasifika: Give our babies one of the best defences in life
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages parents and caregivers to get their children immunised. Code NIP6723.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Protect against measles, mumps and rubella consent form
Protect against measles, mumps and rubella consent form
Revised May 2024.
Download in Pacific and migrant languages from
School consent form for parents and guardians, explaining about vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella (MMR). Code NIP8902 – was HE2597. Previously titled “MMR Vaccine Consent Form”.
Protect against most cancers caused by HPV consent form
Protect against most cancers caused by HPV consent form
Revised May 2024.
Download in other languages from
School consent form for parents and guardians, explaining about vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV). Code NIP8900 –  was HE2044. Previously titled “HPV Vaccine School Consent Form”.
Protect against most types of cancers caused by HPV
Protect against most types of cancers caused by HPV
Download in other languages from
Revised June 2024.
Explains the vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV). Code NIP8940 – was HE2012. Previously titled “Immunise against HPV”.
Protect against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough consent form
Protect against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough consent form
Revised May 2024.
Download Pacific and migrant language translations from
School consent form for parents and caregivers, explaining about immunisation with Boostrix. Code NIP8903 – was HE1312. Previously titled “Year 7 Immunisation Consent Form”.
Protect against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and most cancers caused by HPV consent form
Protect against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and most cancers caused by HPV consent form
Revised May 2024.
School consent form for parents and caregivers, explaining about immunisation against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and HPV (Boostrix and Gardasil). Code NIP8899.
Protect tamariki for life. Immunise.
Protect tamariki for life. Immunise.
Download in other languages from
Gives details of the National Immunisation Schedule including the diseases your child can be vaccinated against, and when these should take place. Code HP8687 – was HE1221. Revised June 2023. Previously titled “Immunise – their best protection”.
Protect your tamariki against measles
Poster - A3
Protect your tamariki against measles
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Promotes the measles vaccination for children/ tamariki under 5 years old as part of the National Immunisation Schedule. Code HP8199. Previously titled “Protect against measles”.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Protect your tamariki against meningococcal disease
Poster - A3
Protect your tamariki against meningococcal disease
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages parents and caregivers to get their tamariki under 5 years immunised against meningococcal disease. Code NIP8756.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Protect your tamariki for life
Poster - A3
Protect your tamariki for life
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages parents and caregivers to get their children immunised against preventable infectious diseases. Code NIP8709.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Protect your unborn child: Rubella
Protect your unborn child: Rubella
Details the risks of rubella (German measles) in pregnancy to the unborn child. Revised October 2020. MoH code HE4172. Formerly “Rubella and Women”. Was previously MED0084.
Protecting you and your pēpi starts during pregnancy
Poster - A3
Protecting you and your pēpi starts during pregnancy
Gives information about the immunisations recommended to protect mum and baby against serious diseases such as whooping cough and influenza. Code NIP8861 .
Protecting you and your pēpi starts during pregnancy
Protecting you and your pēpi starts during pregnancy
Gives information about the immunisations recommended to protect mum and baby against serious diseases such as whooping cough and influenza. Code NIP8939.
Protecting your pēpi from whooping cough starts during pregnancy
Poster - A3
Protecting your pēpi from whooping cough starts during pregnancy
Limited to 2 copies per order.
Encourages pregnant people to get immunised against whooping cough (pertussis) to protect their baby. MoH code HP8574.
Max quantity of 2 per order
Protecting your pēpi from whooping cough starts during pregnancy
Protecting your pēpi from whooping cough starts during pregnancy
Encourages pregnant people to get immunised against whooping cough (pertussis) to protect their baby. Code NIP8711.
Registration Form for Newborn (NIR1)
Registration Form for Newborn (NIR1)
Available in Canterbury and West Coast only.
Form for use by midwives, vaccinators and practice nurses. Revised August 2022. MoH code HP3822.
Set your tamariki up for a healthy future
Set your tamariki up for a healthy future
Replaces “Immunise your child on time” (IMM0012 or HE1327).
Gives information on getting the free vaccines available on the National Immunisation Schedule for children under 18. MoH code HP8686.
Shoo the Flu
Poster - A3
Shoo the Flu
Promotes getting vaccinated against influenza (the flu shot or jab) for FREE for pregnant women and those aged over 65 years. Designed by and for the Pacific community. Code NIP8923.
Shoo the Flu
Shoo the Flu
Explains why and who can get a flu vaccination (flu shot or jab). Designed by and for the Pacific community. Code NIP8735.
Shoo the flu - Cook Island Māori
Shoo the flu - Cook Island Māori
Explains why and who can get a flu vaccination (flu shot or jab). Designed by and for the Pacific community. Code NIP8934.
Shoo the flu - Niuean
Shoo the flu - Niuean
Explains why and who can get a flu vaccination (flu shot or jab). Designed by and for the Pacific community. Code NIP8935.
Shoo the flu - Samoan
Shoo the flu - Samoan
Explains why and who can get a flu vaccination (flu shot or jab). Designed by and for the Pacific community. Code NIP8933.
Shoo the flu - Tongan
Shoo the flu - Tongan
Explains why and who can get a flu vaccination (flu shot or jab). Designed by and for the Pacific community. Code NIP8932.
Shoo the flu activity fun time
Shoo the flu activity fun time
Maze activity sheet for kids. Designed by and for Pacific communities. Code NIP8867.
Tamariki under 5 years: Protect them against meningococcal disease
Tamariki under 5 years: Protect them against meningococcal disease
Encourages parents and caregivers to get their children under 5 years immunised against meningococcal disease. Code NIP8755.
Tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough vaccination consent form
Tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough vaccination consent form
Consent form for vaccination against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough (pertussis). MoH code HP8573.
Thanks for thinking about our future: Immunisations for 11-year-olds
Thanks for thinking about our future: Immunisations for 11-year-olds
Gives information on the immunisations for 11 year olds including tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, human papillomavirus and chicken pox. Part of the Immunise for Life campaign.
Vaccinations recommended during pregnancy
Sticker Sheet
Vaccinations recommended during pregnancy
Reminder stickers of the vaccinations available to pregnant women. For use by lead maternity carers (LMCs).
What you need to know about immunisation during pregnancy
What you need to know about immunisation during pregnancy
Gives helpful information about the vaccines available for pregnant people. Code NIP8704.
What you need to know about the flu vaccination
What you need to know about the flu vaccination
Revised March 2024.
Gives helpful information about the influenza immunisation, including what to expect after your vaccination. MoH code HP8682.
Year 7 and 8 Immunisation
Year 7 and 8 Immunisation
Limit of 1 copy per order.
Explains Year 7 immunisation and provides information about the diseases included in the vaccine. Also covers how immunisations work and why you need it. MoH code HE2432.
Max quantity of 1 per order

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